Greetings from Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Böttiger
Dear Sir or Madam, dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure and honor for me to introduce the German Revival Foundation to you all.After decades of scientific, educational and health policy commitment to improving the survival rate after cardiovascular arrest in Germany, Europe and the world, we have already achieved a lot in this important area - in many cases together - and saved many lives in addition.
However, sudden cardiovascular arrest remains the third leading cause of death for us too.
In close cooperation and together with all organizations and structures, the German Resurrection Foundation would like to provide another strong impetus with regard to improving survival in this clinical picture, which often occurs out of the blue and still leads to death in nine out of ten people affected .
In addition to the structures that have been established so far, the German Foundation for Resuscitation, as a highly attractive, interdisciplinary, interprofessional and international non-profit foundation, will be able to generate additional funds and thus provide visible and sustainable impulses to improve survival in this important disease.
I would like to thank all members of the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Board of the Foundation for their excellent support during the establishment and development of our Foundation, and I would like to thank all of you for your support.
Together we will change the world at this point and ensure that in our country alone, more than 10,000 additional people survive every year.

Köln, im Juli 2020
Ihr Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Bernd W. Böttiger

Improve survival rate!
The central aim and purpose of the German Resuscitation Foundation is to significantly improve the survival rate after sudden cardiovascular arrest in Germany as well.
We believe...
We could save very many human lives more with a "lay training" for society. Currently, a figure of around 10,000 lives per year is only assumed in Germany.
Check - Call - Pressn
Of course, such a situation is more than stressful, but you can easily help yourself with the words CHECK - CALL - PRESS if necessary! Two hands can save a life!
Currently only 3-10% of people survive a cardiovascular arrest that takes place outside of the hospital. Resuscitation can save lives!

In Germany, more than 100,000 people still die each year from so-called sudden cardiovascular arrest.
Half of those affected are still of working age. Sudden cardiovascular arrest is the third most common cause of death for us and is therefore comparable with tumor diseases and other cardiovascular diseases in terms of importance.
Cardiovascular arrest usually comes as a complete surprise, out of the blue and without a harbinger.
And although the rescue service is alerted for around 70,000 of these people and resuscitation is initiated, a maximum of 10% of those affected survive.
The main reason for this so far very low survival rate is the fact that the rescue service arrives after 8-10 minutes on average - in rural areas sometimes much later - but the brain begins to die after only 3-5 minutes and is thus irreparably damaged.
If laypeople start resuscitation measures immediately after a collapse and thus well before the emergency services arrive, three times as many people will survive. So far, only about 40% of all people in Germany do this, in some other countries this rate is already 60-80% and more.
With very simple things like:
- increased lay and student training in resuscitation,
- a nationwide mandatory "telephone resuscitation" - the rescue control center explains the cardiac massage to the caller on the phone,
- a nationwide establishment of first aid systems - people who can resuscitate and live or stay in the neighborhood are alerted at the same time as the ambulance service via smartphone and can start resuscitation measures before the ambulance service arrives,
- a nationwide network of specially equipped and certified clinics, which enable the treatment of patients after cardiac arrest so-called "Cardiac Arrest Center".
the so-called lay resuscitation rate and the survival rate after cardiovascular arrest can be significantly increased throughout Germany.
By implementing these measures - as shown by examples from other countries - we can save at least 10,000 additional lives per year.
The purposes of the German Resuscitation Foundation are the promotion of lay and pupil training in resuscitation, the training, further education and further training of company personnel in this area as well as the corresponding social and health policy influence.
At the same time, science and research in this area, which is important for survival, should be specifically promoted.
The foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes.
She is selflessly active. The foundation is close to the GRC (German Council for Resuscitation). If the foundation is dissolved, the entire foundation assets will go to the GRC.